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Privacy Policy

RMK Management Pty Ltd is committed to protecting your privacy and managing your personal information openly and transparently. When you entrust RMK Management Pty Ltd with your personal information, we take reasonable steps to ensure it is treated securely and in line with all applicable laws and regulations. This Policy may change periodically in keeping with Australian law. We encourage you to review this Policy regularly to stay informed of any changes.

For the purposes of this policy, “personal information” is any information about you which can be used to identify you. This can include information about you as a person (for example your name, address, and date of birth), your devices, payment details, and information about how you have used a website or online service.  We will take all reasonable measures to fulfil our commitments to protecting your privacy, including to:
• Comply with Australian Privacy Principles (“APPs”).
• Ensure that we manage your personal information openly and transparently.
• Only collect personal information from you that is reasonably necessary in order for us to provide our services to you.
• Tell you how we might use your personal information.
• Let you know if we need to disclose your personal information to anyone else (including anyone overseas) and if so, in what circumstances this might occur.
• Keep your personal information secure.
• Make sure your personal information is kept accurate and up to date and to properly dispose of any personal information which is no longer required by us; and
• Ensure that, where appropriate, you can access and correct your personal information.

About this policy
This policy is intended to clearly explain some of the key processes and procedures that we have implemented to manage your personal information, to protect your privacy and to comply with the Privacy Act 1988, the Privacy Regulations 2013 (“Act”) and the Australian Privacy Principles.
References to “our,” “us,” and “we” in this policy are references to RMK Management Pty Ltd.
This policy gives a broad overview of our policies in relation to privacy but, if you require further information, you are welcome to contact us or to read any of the privacy statements or notices that will be issued to you as and when personal information is collected.
You must read this privacy policy before providing us with any personal information or using the Website. By providing us with your personal information and using the Website, you are confirming your agreement and consent to the policies and procedures described in this privacy policy.
What sorts of personal information do we collect?
We will only collect information from you that we believe is necessary and relevant to our relationship with you, including to enable us to provide you with the best possible service and customer experience.
Information we collect can fall into two categories, being “voluntarily provided” information and “automatically collected” information. Information provided voluntarily is information that you provide us with when participating in any of the services hosted on our website. Information collected automatically is information automatically sent to us by your devices when you access our website and services.
P: +61 2 9922 1300 (Sydney) + 61 3 9600 1377 (Melbourne)
E: W:
6 Ridge St, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia
ABN: 48 001 495 656
Depending on the exact nature of our relationship with you, we may request that you provide some or all of the following information:
• Information that we may require to identify you, including your name, home address, email addresses or other IP addresses and server details, and your date of birth.
• Information that we can use to contact you.
• Information that identifies your activity details including access and visits to our website.
It would be very unusual for us to need to collect all or even most of the above information from you, however the information we will require will depend on the specific service or services that we are providing to you.
We will only collect personal information from you that we reasonably require to satisfactorily perform the services that you require from us including using your personal information to aggregate your activities to assist in the management and operation of our website, performance benchmarking, portals or platforms maintained for your use.

Why do we require your personal information?
There are various reasons why we might need to collect, hold, use or disclose your personal information and this will depend upon the specific services that we are providing to you, but we will tell you the main reason for asking you for personal information at the time when we ask you to provide it.
Your personal information may be used for the following purposes:
• To create an account and profile with RMK Management Pty Ltd;
• To communicate with you;
• To consider your request for our services;
• To enable us to provide our services to you;
• To carry out or respond to your queries or requests;
• To provide information to you that you have requested;
• To facilitate your use of our website;
• To provide to our third-party service providers to assist us in providing and improving our services to you, and to analyse trends in sales and better understand your needs or to develop, improve and market our services to you;
• To perform administrative purposes and operational tasks;
• To submit you for work opportunities;
• For discussion and negotiation regarding fees;
• For discussion within the RMK Management Pty Ltd office and verbal and digital communication with individuals involved in the process of pursuing employment on your behalf;
• For discussion with lawyers and legal departments where applicable;
• To execute obligations arising from any contracts entered into by you and through RMK Management Pty Ltd on your behalf;
• For the process of a grant or a job application;
• To provide to our agents, successors and/or assigns;
• To discuss with you the services we provide; and
P: +61 2 9922 1300 (Sydney) + 61 3 9600 1377 (Melbourne)
E: W:
6 Ridge St, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia
ABN: 48 001 495 656
• For regulatory compliance and to comply with our legal obligations.
RMK Management Pty Ltd will not sell or rent your information to any third parties.

How do we collect your personal information?
We may collect your personal information when you:
a) Register for an account;
b) Sign up to receive updates from us, either via email or social media channels;
c) Use a mobile device or web browser to access our content;
d) Contact us via email, social media, or by other similar means; and
e) When you mention us on social media.
We will always collect your personal information directly from you unless it is impracticable to do so. This would usually be done through the Website when you elect to disclose your personal information to us for a particular purpose.

How long do we keep your personal information for?
The amount of time we keep your personal information for will depend on what we are using your information for. If, for example, you provided us with your personal information while creating an account with us, we may retain it for as long as your account exists in our system.
If necessary, we may retain your personal information for compliance with our legal, accounting, or reporting obligations.

User-Generated Content
“User-generated content” includes materials (including text, image, video, and audio content) that are voluntarily supplied to us by our users for the purpose of publication on our website. All user-generated content is associated with the account or email used to submit the content.
Any content you submit for the purpose of publication may be made public on the RMK Management Pty Ltd website after posting. Please note that, once published, this content may be accessible to third parties not covered under this privacy policy.

Security of Your Personal Information
When we collect your personal information, we will take all reasonable and commercially viable steps to prevent its loss and theft, as well as any unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification to it.
While we will do our utmost to protect the personal information you provide to us, we note that no method of electronic transmission or storage is 100% secure and as such we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your data.

Your personal information will not be collected if you are only browsing the website, but we do use cookies to better tailor our information and our services to meet your needs. A cookie is a small piece of text that is placed within the memory of a computer and can be later retrieved by web page servers. Cookies may record information about your visit; including the type of browser and operating system you use, the previous site you visited, your server’s IP address, the pages you access, and the information downloaded by you. While this anonymous statistical data may be aggregated and used in broader statistical analysis by us and our web monitoring service provider to improve our services, at no time can we personally identify you as the source of that data.

Do we share your personal information with others?
We may share your personal information with other companies that are related to RMK Management Pty Ltd or with any Recipient Party. By agreeing to accept the terms of this privacy
P: +61 2 9922 1300 (Sydney) + 61 3 9600 1377 (Melbourne)
E: W:
6 Ridge St, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia
ABN: 48 001 495 656
policy or by providing your personal information to us, or both, you consent to your personal information being shared with our related entities or with any one or more of the Recipient Parties.
Wherever possible, we will limit the information provided to independent third parties to that information required for those third parties to properly perform their functions. Further, our contracts with these third parties will always require the third parties to comply with the APPs (or equivalent standards).
In the course of performing our services, we may disclose personal information to:
• An affiliate of our company;
• Third-party service providers for the purposes of enabling them to provide their services, including but not limited to IT service providers, hosting and server providers, date storage, analytics, error loggers, debt collectors, maintenance providers, marketing providers, professional advisors, and payment systems operators;
• Our employees, contractors, and/or related entities;
• Our existing or potential agents or business partners;
• Credit reporting agencies, courts, tribunals, and regulator authorities, in the event you fail to pay for services we have provided to you; and
• Courts, tribunals, regulatory authorities, and law enforcement officers, as required by law, and in connection with any legal proceedings, actual or prospective, or in order to establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights.
If we receive personal information about you from a third party, we will protect it in line with this privacy policy.

Will we disclose your personal information to anyone overseas?
There may be circumstances where we need to disclose personal information that we hold about you to a third part overseas (“Overseas Recipients”). This may occur, for example, where we have a client that is based overseas.

How can you access your personal information?
You may request details of the personal information that we hold about you at any time by written request to

If you believe that any information that we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete, irrelevant, misleading, or out of date, please contact us at We will take all reasonable steps to correct any information that you deem to be inaccurate.
Notification of data breaches:
We will comply with laws applicable to us in respect of any data breach.

If you form the view that we have breached a relevant data protection law and wish to make a complaint, please contact us at and provide us with full details of the alleged breach. We will investigate your complaint and respond, in writing, with the outcome of our investigation and the steps we will take to deal with your complaint. You are also within your rights to contact a regulatory body or data protection authority about your complaint.

Links to other websites
P: +61 2 9922 1300 (Sydney) + 61 3 9600 1377 (Melbourne)
E: W:
6 Ridge St, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia
ABN: 48 001 495 656
This Website may contain links to websites which are owned or operated by other parties. You should make your own enquiries as to the privacy policies of these parties. We are not responsible for information on, or the privacy policies of, such websites.

Changes to this policy
From time to time, it may be necessary for us to review and revise this privacy policy. We reserve the right to change our privacy policy at any time. If changes are significant, or if required by applicable law, we will contact you and all of our registered users with details of our updated privacy policy. RMK Management Pty Ltd welcomes your comments regarding this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about this Privacy Policy and would like further information, please contact RMK Voices at
RMK Management Pty Ltd
6 Ridge Street
North Sydney NSW 2060

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